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LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
Research Methods
我們用第一人稱視角去審視村落現況,以 不同的藝術形式,如攝影、視頻、音樂、繪畫、文字等進行記錄。在這階段藝術家們會在村落駐留一個星期,與村民一起生活,深入交流,並通過藝術的視角去分析考察村落不同的傳統習俗、建築、工藝、方言、等文化因素,從而對村落進行研究分析。
駐村項目一: 人間好時節
駐村項目二: 綠在街角——社區園圃計畫
駐村項目三: 我的夕陽樂
駐村項目四: 公共空間練習
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