LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
LGB Cafe, Hong Kong
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
The Client wants to re-brand and freshen up his whole cafe chain in Hong Kong. We propose a new material board and interior design for their stores in Central and Island East that we think that is very "Hong Kong", modern and casually luxurious.
當今資訊科技发達,固有的傳統概念倍受衝擊,對經典的人倫美德傳承也大不如前,村莊正在不斷邊緣化。為改變這一現狀,我們著眼於地區的傳統特色節日,重溫林頭村的歷史,複兴舊有失傳節日,繼往開來,豐富及創新現有節日, 打造屬於林頭村的特色節日文化。我們希望通過塑造文化節日提升社會凝聚力和文化認同感的重要角色,進一步將現存的一河兩岸配套整合,使其發揮更有效的協同作用,更帶來潛在的文化經濟效益,推進林頭村在睦鄰、文化、經濟等方面持續成長。
駐村項目一: 人間好時節